Week 13 (11/18-11/22)
Today we started looking at our new story 'Tip the Cat' and new vocabulary words. The phonics we will focus on are the cvc words in, ig, it and ix. PPT for our vocabulary: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Yq32uT_E8-IyBmCkZDuAftn6-g9Hib5M/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103072992340269046341&rtpof=true&sd=true My View (1.1) 'Tip the Cat': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcVrxr68Uq0 Educandy: https://www.educandy.com/site/resource.php?activity-code=12f462 Monday November 18th HOMEWORK 1. Reading p.59-61 2. Writing vocabulary words 1-5 x4 3. Sign and correct test Monday 11/18 Homework Vocabulary Words: 1. red 2. bike 3. want 4. ride 5. his Tuesday November 19th HOMEWORK 1. Reading p.59-61 2. Writing vocabulary words 6-10 x4 Tuesday 11/19 Homework Vocabulary Words: 6. down 7. himself 8. far 9. long 10. may Wednesday November 20th HOMEWORK 1. Writing vocabulary words 10-16 x4 Wednesday 11/20 Homework Vocabulary Words: 11. around 12. block 13. boring 14. waves 15